
Fairground is an artist and business management company designed with relationship building at its core.

Community-focused and internationally-experienced, we work with all members of the industry to facilitate fair deals and sustainable careers for our artists. We're more than happy to run the entire show, but we're also ready to collaborate with your existing team. 

We offer artist management services with extra support in:


Artist and Label Services

Our goal is to empower cultural entrepreneurs by helping them gain opportunities to own or control their copyrights across markets. Whether you're self-releasing, working with international labels, or just starting to navigate the industry, we work closely with you and your team(s) to set up the best structure for your long-term success.

We work with each artist on an individual basis to come up with a marketing strategy, release plan, and a specialized team that best fits their audience and budget. We oversee product management, royalty, and sales reports, help negotiate contracts for international licensing, and create a music business environment where artists and their labels can coordinate and execute their release plans together.  

Fairground also offers consulting to US labels and management companies in regards to grant funding, tax, and work visa advice for the Canadian artists on their rosters.

Business Management
and Strategic Planning

We provide business registration and strategic planning for artists and cultural entrepreneurs. Having a map of your finances and revenue streams will ensure that you can make business decisions with confidence and security, based on accurate cash flow analysis: we'll help you gain a handle on all of your revenue streams, rights management, and collection methods, so that you're making the most of all opportunities for financial stability. We have expertise in tour budgeting, reviewing contracts and royalty statements, and making sure you understand and benefit from your financial set-up.

Taking Care of the Books 

We work with clients and customize our accounting systems to best fit their creative business needs for both domestic and international transactions. We cover day-to-day operations including bank deposits, invoicing, bill payments, inventory management, and payroll.

Cultural Mobility
and Artist Export Logistics

We help bands get export-ready. Fairground supports artists as they develop their international markets by helping to facilitate cross-border mobility. This includes securing work permits, claiming international tax treaties to reduce tax withholding, and simplifying Central Withholding Agreements for USA tour dates. We're experienced in both international tour oversight and reconciliation.

Funding for the Short-
and Long-term

We support artist and business development through grant research, project management, and proposal development, as well as final reporting and reconciliation. We can plan funding on a project basis, or work with artists and small companies to procure funding for long-term program development.